Samurai Jack Wiki

The Scotsman's wife is, predictably, the wife of the Scotsman. Although she has been mentioned in other episodes, her first appearance was in Episode XVII: Jack and the Scotsman, Part 2. She was voiced by Ruth Williamson. Like her husband, her first name is never known. Her current fate is unknown as of the fifty year time gap.


Before her appearance the Scotsman uses many romantic metaphors to describe his wife as being the most beautiful woman on Earth. This description was quite contrary to the truth, as she was actually taller, and more muscular than her husband. She also had deep red hair, harsh green eyes, a boil on the side of her cheek and a discolored tooth.


The wife's personality is an extreme version of her husband's. She was louder and much more crude and was also exceedingly demanding. She also had a fierce temper, which made even her husband shudder at the thought of angering her. She deeply hated being called "fat" or people making indirect references to her size, such as when Jack insinuates that she is too big to fit through the main gate of the Castle of Boon. Doing so would enrage her to the point that she would go into a frenzy and destroy whoever insulted her and everything that stood in her way. Despite her abrasive side and short-temper, she loves her husband, chastising him for his sweet talk but later revealing that she enjoys it immensely, and curtsies to Jack when formally introduced.


The Scotsman's wife first appeared when Jack was helping her husband free her from a clan of mechanical demons who were planning to eat her. When they found her, she barraged them with an array of weird insults because they were late while her husband just stood there lovestruck. While they were trying to fight off the demons, the Scotsman's wife got angry at the head demon for calling her "fat," and took out the entire demon clan after Jack and her husband gave up due to being tremendously outnumbered. After their defeat, Jack was impressed by her strength and praised her, much to her delight. However, Jack accidentally made a crack at her size, which immediately caused the Scotsman to warn him to run while attempting to quell his wife's rage.

Season 5 (2017)

It was revealed that she and her husband conceived several dozen daughters, raised and trained them as warriors. (Episode XCVI)

Powers and Abilities

  • Enhanced Physical Strength: The Scotsman's wife was an incredibly powerful fighter because of her size. Her strength was so great that she could punch through metal and when enraged and rip it apart with her teeth. She easily defeated the leader of the robots with two punches. She could also punch the ground so hard as to create a shockwave that was capable of destroying everything around her. This shows she munch stronger then her husband as she was able to pass off to her daughters.
  • Superhuman Endurance and Stamina : The Scotsman's wife displayed endurance that outclassed both her husband and Jack, such as when she had destroyed her demonic captors single-handedly when both The Scotsman and Jack had given up due to sheer exhaustion, however this was in part due to the Leader of her kidnappers referring to her as the fat female, thus causing her to transform into an unstoppable incarnation of wrath.
    In action

    The wife tearing off a robot's arm with her teeth

    . She proven she didn't shown any sign of to be exhausted from that fight and able to chase Jack for possible long period of time.


  • Don't you muffin me, you ripe end of a baboon! You disappear without a word for two years, only to show up because I'm kidnapped, leaving me in this sty for a month till you get the gall enough to come save me! Wait till the last minute! What have you been doing, you pimple-faced dilly worm? Some husband you are. Oh, big warrior. I think no. I'll tell you where you've been. Tossing rocks with your good-for-nothing dullards. Too busy to save the love of your...
  • Now I've seen everything. Is this who you've been wasting your time with? Some wiry maypole wearing an ugly dress and tasteless slippers? I swear on Cú Chulainn's mighty chest hairs I've got wooden spoons brighter than you! And to think I married the only Scot in Scotland who'd bring a candlestick in a slip to his wife's rescue instead of a whole clan of bumbling brutes. No, I get just two bumbling brutes. Well, one bumbling brute and some kind of fashion-inept sheepherder.
  • The Druid? Who listens to a man wearing an ant skull on his head?
  • Oh, way to go, boys. I suppose walking us right into the whole blithering army was part of the plan?
  • You call that fighting? I've seen cranky sheep more vicious.
  • Oh, I'm sure that hurt them. Why not give them all a cup of tea and a biscuit to choke on?
  • You two couldn't fight your way out of a garden party of old ladies.
  • I've baked haggis more lethal than you.
  • Fat? Fat? I'm not fat! I'm stout!